Membership is vital to the Berkeley Fellowship. The paths to membership are many, but we generally advise attending worship services to get to know BFUU.

The information on this page is open to the public. For private member information (your pledge, BFUU Member Directory listing, etc.) please call the office at 510-841-4824 ext. 1 or email Note that we don’t distribute our member directory via email.

At BFUU, our purpose is to join together in a cooperative quest for religious and ethical values; to apply these values to the fulfillment of our objectives, which are: the development of character, the enrichment of the spirit, and the promotion of universal community and service to all humankind.

Our basic underlying convictions are: that religious truth and scientific truth are compatible, that the democratic process shall govern all human relations, and that each individual has inherent dignity and the right to freedom of religious belief unfettered by any prescribed creed.

Any person who is in sympathy with the Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes and with the BFUU purpose and convictions above, may become a Member. To become a Member of the Fellowship, individuals must sign the Membership Book in the presence of a member of the Board of Trustees or designee, or the Minister(s).

Adult Members are individuals who are 18 years of age or older. Adult Members are expected to participate in the life of the Congregation and make an annual financial Pledge of Record.

Youth Members are individuals who are between 12 and 18 years of age, and who support the Fellowship by service or participation.

An Adult Member may chair a committee; serve as a Board Member; receive publications of the national and regional level UU organizations, and the Fellowship; members may, on a yearly basis and dependent on availability and based on current policy have free use of the Fellowship facilities for personal celebrations, weddings, memorials and child dedications; members may be listed in the Fellowship Directory. After 30 days of membership, Adult Members are entitled to vote at congregational meetings. Youth members may not serve as a Board officer or chair a committee, and may not vote at congregational meetings. Youth members are entitled to all other rights of Fellowship members.

Each Adult Member’s annual financial pledge shall be based on the Fellowship’s fair share giving guidelines. A Member may request an exception to pledging a **fair share amount, or to maintaining the level of a pledge already made, by contacting a Board Member to have the situation considered in confidence on a case-by-case basis. No one is turned away solely for lack of funds. Members who are granted an exception will still be expected to participate in the life of the Fellowship.

Pledge forms and reduction/waiver requests for July 2024-June 2025 can be accessed here:

FRIEND, AN ALTERNATE TO MEMBERSHIP: An individual may choose to be a Friend to the Fellowship and rather than making a financial pledge of record, donate financially as he or she chooses. Friends are not counted for the Fellowship’s fair share financial contributions to the regional and national organizations, and do not receive their publications. A Friend may serve as committee member, be listed in the Fellowship Directory and receive Fellowship publications. A Friend is not entitled to vote at congregational meetings.

**Fair Share Pledge = $89/year;
Gross Income Suggested Giving:
Full Tithe =10% per year; Visionary = 5%-6% per year;
Sustainer = 2.5%-5%; Supporter = 2%-3.5%

Volunteer Areas

AV Operator

Buildings and Grounds Committee
Caring Committee
  Providing Transportation
  Community Service Projects
Hospitality / Worship Service
  (an easy way to make connections)
   Set Up
   Clean Up
Lifespan Religious Exploration
   Children’s Program
   Adult’s Program
Membership Committee
   Volunteer Coordinator
  Voice / Instrument:
  Event Host/Door
  Event Promotion
  Creating Flyers/Mktg Mtls
Personnel Committee
Social Justice Committee
Social Justice Ministry
Social Media
Technical Support for events
Worship Services planning
Zoom support