BFUU is bolstered by dedicated volunteers comprising key committees. If you are interested in joining a committee or have a question about BFUU that you think is best addressed to a committee chair, please click on the Chair’s name(s) below to send them email. If there is no chair, or no link, please email BFUU office.

Aesthetics Subcommittee of B&G
Meets as needed

Buildings & Grounds Committee (B&G)
Meets once a month – please contact Ben Burch
Ben Burch and Abbot Foote, Co-Chairs

Caring Committee
Meets as needed
Karen Dewald, Chair

Committee on Ministry
Meets as needed
Jinky Gardner, Chair

Finance Committee
Meets as needed
Ben Burch and Abbot Foote, Co-Chairs

Hospitality Committee
Meets as needed

Membership Committee
Meets as needed
Jeff Palmer, Convener

Music Committee
Meets as needed
Margaret Hurlbert, Chair

Personnel Committee
Meets as needed 
Ben Burch, Chair

Poetry Committee
Meets as needed
Frances Hillyard, Chair
Gene Herman, Poet Laureate

Religious Education (RE) Committee
Meets as needed

Social Justice Committee (SJC)
Meets 3rd Sunday at 12:30 PM
Phoebe Sorgen, Chair

Social Justice Ministry Task Force Subcommittee of SJC
Meets as needed
Please contact Margaret Hurlbert, Convener

Worship Services Committee (WSC)
Meets 1st Thursday at 5:00 PM
Please contact Melissa R., Chair