Stay Connected with BFUU Community News!

BFUU sends out two regular newsletters:

  •  Weekly ENews: “This Week at BFUU” email sent every Thursday.
    Click below to subscribe (you will be sent to a page to sign up).

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  • Monthly Newsletter: “The BFUU Communicator” link to PDF on our website sent out once a month
    • Current and past issues are available for download below.
    • You will automatically receive a link to download “The Communicator” each month if you are subscribed to the “This Week at BFUU” email
    • If you would like a paper-mail subscription to “The Communicator,” contact for more information
  • We also send occasional additional email notices to active voting Members of the congregation. If you are interested in becoming an active voting Member, please contact

Sign up to get the monthly BFUU newsletter

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Monthly Newsletter Archive

Here is an archive of the monthly “Communicator” newsletters. Click to open or right-click (ctrl-click on Macs) to save as a PDF File. For newsletters not listed here, please contact the office at 510-841-4824 /

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

December 2023 not available

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

Summer 2023

June 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

September 2022

Summer 2022