The BFUU has several channels for distributing information. BFUU only publicizes its own events, events at its location (per contract terms), and events of our larger UU community (PCD, UUA). We don’t accept ads from outside for-profit sources in any of our publications. We may accept flyers from non-profit organizations at our discretion. The BFUU Board of Trustees may remove or edit items for content at its discretion. The Office Coordinator may edit for space as needed.
All notices, articles and items should be emailed (preferably in .docx or .doc format) to All images should be in jpg format, medium size (ie. 450 px on widest edge maximum). Two copies of approved flyers should be delivered to the BFUU Office at 1606 Bonita Ave in Berkeley. If these guidelines won’t work for your submission, please contact the Office Coordinator at or 510-841-4824 ext. 1.
Approval: Committee Chairs approve articles on their pages. The Office Coordinator and Event Space Coordinator approve contracted event notices.
Deadline: there is no deadline but it is recommended to submit items for the website at least three (3) weeks in advance of the event. Items are added when work allows and there may be delays. Please follow up with the office staff if your item doesn’t appear on the website within one business day of submission.
Audience: the general public
Monthly Newsletter: The Communicator
Approval: Committee Chairs approve articles associated with their committees. The Office Coordinator and Event Space Coordinator approve contracted event notices. The Office Coordinator approves member submissions (via a Board Member or Committee Chair if appropriate.)
Deadline: the 20th of the month preceding publication. ie. September 20th is the deadline for the October Communicator.
Distributed: by the last Sunday of each month
Audience: members, friends and the general public (a pdf of the newsletter is posted to the website)
Weekly ENews: This Week at BFUU
Approval: The Office Coordinator and Event Space Coordinator approve contracted event notices. The Office Coordinator approves member submissions (via a Board Member or Committee Chair if appropriate.)
Deadline: Thursday 11:00 AM (Note: If Holidays occur on Wednesdays or Thursdays, the deadline is Tuesday at 3:00 PM)
Distributed: Thursday by 5:00 PM
Audience: members, friends and the larger BFUU community (approx. 330 as of Sep 2016)
Flyers posted in Fellowship Hall and/or the bulletin board on the stairs in the RE Building
Approval: Event Space Coordinator. Items posted without permission will be removed.
Deadline: there is no deadline but it is recommended to submit items for the bulletin boards at least three (3) weeks in advance of the event. Items are added when work allows – there may be delays. Please follow up with the office staff if your item doesn’t appear on the bulletin boards within one business day of submission.
Audience: Building users
Weekly Announcements insert to the Order of Service
Approval: This channel is limited to BFUU-sponsored events and news. Committee Chairs approve notices associated with their committees. The Office Coordinator approves member submissions (via a Board Member or Committee Chair if appropriate.)
Deadline: Thursday 11:00 AM (Note: if Holidays occur on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays, the deadline is Tuesday at 3:00 PM.)
Distributed Sunday at 10:30 AM
Audience: Sunday Worship Service attendees
Members-only email
Approval: Only Board Members and Committee Chairs can use this channel – all items may be subject to Board approval.
Deadline: there is no deadline. Emails will be sent when work allows. Please follow up with the office staff if your item doesn’t appear within one business day.
Audience: Active Members and Pledging Friends who allow the use of their email addresses.
Facebook Page
Approval: Only BFUU and BFUU-sponsored events can use this channel – all items may be subject to Board approval.
Deadline: there is no deadline. Items will be posted when work allows. Please follow up with the committee sponsoring your event and/or office staff if your item doesn’t appear one month before your event.
Audience: the general public