Ceasefire Now! Pluralism and the revision of our UU Principles and Purposes

As global wars rage onward, what does it mean to be revising our UU Principles and Purposes now during times our government is complicit in active genocide? How do we lean into our Unitarian Universalist values of love, justice, equity, transformation, pluralism, interdependence, and generosity to build a future of collective liberation, and anti-racist, multicultural Beloved Community?

REV KEV was ordained by the First Unitarian Church of Oakland on October 1st, 2023, on the first day of both Filipino American and LGBTQ History Months. He serves as a Chaplain at Sequoia Hospice, as Faculty Advisor at Starr King School for the Ministry, as Consultant for Partnership with UU Church of the Philippines and founded Bay Area DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries) the regional BIPOC UU network.